I have lived here almost a year. One iconic visual presence is the Bournemouth hot air balloon. Well to be honest, I don’t know if I can call it hot air anymore because it doesn’t use the traditional flame to control the rise and fall of the balloon. However, regardless, it is a balloon with a basket and you get to rise above the skyline and observe Bournemouth, Poole, the Sea, the Islands, it let’s you see from a bird’s perspective.
So as I gathered with my new found Meetup group, we picnicked in the park prior to rising to the skies.
It was a spectacular sunset and would it not figure that I did not bring my camera – so I was limited to my blackberry – so I apologise now for the limited quality of the photos. I love my blackberry but when it comes to taking great pictures – it sucks.
Anyway, we had just come of a highly successful Bournemouth Air Festival weekend which attracted over 400,000 people. I will post on that separately. But what a glorious weekend, what a glorious day, what glorious people.