A Beautiful View

The view from my house sit – sorry – the lens was a bit smudged

I have some wonderful friends here on the island. Aside from me having a great place to live for the next year whilst I figure out my next steps, I also get to house sit for others from time to time. And here is my lovely view.  The weather has been spectacular here however it is dry dry dry.  The fire hazard rating is extreme and we can’t use any gas powered equipment and can only use a weed whacker with a nylon line.  So never the less, this week / end I need to clean up the property which has been sitting lonely since I purchased it back in March.  Lots of work to do and not quite sure yet as to what I will do with it.  Time to sit still and listen – listen to the wind, the waves and the voice within.  Let’s hope I can hear them.  🙂